التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2018


In Arabic we have the expression »he/she is an artist in his/her work,« ( فنّان/ة بشُغله/ا ) and we use it to describe how we evaluate people in their different jobs. He could be a fisherman; she could be a flower seller. Any job could fit this expression, but the one common thing is that people, the customers, decide if the person is an »artist« in his or her job or not. It’s always a question of who decides who is an artist. Is the one who decides the working person him- or herself, or the recipient of the product? And the product can be food, goods, idea, articles, or  music. I guess that an important and basic element of making an artistic product is that its maker is doing or creating it with enjoyment. We can also add love, although maybe a poem could be written from feelings of hate or be a story of betrayal, but even then the poet could write the poem with love. In love not with the feelings or the story/background of the poem, but with the writing pr...